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Writer's pictureChris/Asura

MBTI Masculine and Feminine Type Expression

Updated: Feb 3, 2021

This is a continuation of a proposed theory. Please read this first to understand terminology used in this post -

The following is a hypothetical model for understanding masculinity and femininity in types. I treat this as a work in progress and not as fact in any way, just a way to think about types.

AsuraPsych’s MBTI Types Masculinity and Femininity Model – Quadras and Type Expression


Note: Alpha is the most balanced of all four qaudras


Lead pair – Ti FMM Ne MFF – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression. Feminine spikes when engaged in outer perception/exploration.

Stress pair – Fe MFM Si FMF – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression. Feminine spikes when engaged in perception/exploration. Likely to stay relatively consistent in expression during times of stress.


Lead pair – Ne MFF Ti FMM – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression. Masculine spikes when engaged in rational processing.

Stress pair – Si FMF Fe MFM – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression. Masculine spikes when engaged in rational processing. Likely to stay relatively consistent in expression during times of stress.


Lead pair – Si FMF Fe MFM – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression. Masculine spikes when engaged in rational processing.

Stress pair – Ne MFF Ti FMM – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression. Masculine spikes when engaged in rational processing. Likely to stay relatively consistent in expression during times of stress.


Lead pair – Fe MFM Si FMF – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression. Feminine spikes when engaged in perception/exploration.

Stress pair – Ti FMM Ne MFF – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression. Feminine spikes when engaged in perception/exploration. Likely to stay relatively consistent in expression during times of stress.


Ni (FFF) Fe (MFM) Ti (FMM) Se (MMF)


Lead pair – Ni FFF Fe MFM – Heavy Feminine lead and overall feminine. Consistent feminine expression. Small rare spikes of masculinity when engaging with outer judgements; these spikes are unlikely to betray overall feminine preference.

Stress pair – Se MMF Ti MMF – Masculine lead and overall masculine preference. Times of stress will usually result in uncharacteristic ways of processing information that are likely to lead to behaviors not usually seen.


Lead pair – Fe MFM Ni FFF – Masculine lead but overall feminine with heavy feminine counterbalance. Attempts at consistent feminine expression usually subverted by the dominant function’s inherent nature. Small spikes in masculine processing are natural but likely to cause psychological distress if not at terms with their identity.

Stress pair – Ti FMM Se MMF – Masculine lead and overall masculine. Likely to engage in masculine processing when stressed. May double down on masculine expression.


Lead pair Ti FMM Se MMF – Masculine lead and overall masculine. Consistent masculine expression. Likely to double down on masculine processing. Small feminine spikes in overall interaction but these spikes are unlikely to betray the overall masculine preference.

Stress pair – Fe MFM Ni FFF – Masculine lead but overall feminine with heavy feminine counterbalance. Likely to resort to feminine processing in times of great distress but will do their best to keep up a masculine persona.


Lead pair – Se MMF Ti FMM – Masculine lead and overall masculine. Likely to double down on masculine processing. Small feminine spikes in overall interaction but these spikes are unlikely to betray the overall masculine preference.

Stress pair – Ni FFF Fe MFM – Heavy feminine lead and overall feminine. Times of distress will lead to uncharacteristic losses in masculine processing. Spikes and attempts to regain masculine presentation are likely but unlikely to betray overall feminine stress expression. Withdrawal likely.


Ni (FFF) Te (MMM) Fi (FFM) Se (MMF)


Lead Pair – Ni FFF Te MMM – Heavy feminine lead with heavy masculine counterbalance. Results in a type that shifts quickly from the preferred reserved and observant to pushy and proactive. Because overall M/F is balanced the overall psyche will be neutral but there will be a slight preference for restrained/feminine interaction due to Ni being the lead function.

Stress Pair – Se MMF Fi FFM – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression with spikes in femininity when engaged in rationality during times of stress. Likely to stay relatively consistent in times of stress.


Lead Pair – Te MMM Ni FFF – Heavy masculine lead with heavy feminine counterbalance. Results in a type that shifts quickly from the preferred pushy and proactive to reserved and observant. Because overall M/F is balanced the overall psyche will be neutral but there will be a slight preference for proactive/masculine interaction due to Te being the lead function.

Stress Pair – Fi FFM Se MMF – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression with spikes in masculinity when engaged in perception during times of stress. Likely to stay relatively consistent in times of stress.


Lead pair – Fi FFM Se MMF – Feminine lead but overall balance. Preference for feminine expression. Spikes in masculine expression when engaging with the outer world as compared to the inner.

Stress pair – Te MMM Ni FFF – Heavy masculine lead but heavy feminine counterbalance. Times of stress are likely to result in drastic switches in expressed personality. Volatility likely due to the repressed nature of Te being MMM.


Lead pair – Se MMF Fi FFM – Masculine lead but overall balance. Preference for masculine expression. Feminine spikes when engaged in introverted rational processing.

Stress pair – Ni FFF Te MMM – Heavy feminine lead but heavy masculine counterbalance. Times of stress are likely to result in drastic switched in expressed personality. Withdrawal likely due to the repressed nature of Ni being FFF.


Te (MMM) Si (FMF) Ne (MFF) Fi (FFM)


Lead pair – Si FMF Te MMM – Feminine lead but overall masculine with heavy masculine counterbalance. Attempts at masculine expression are usually subverted by the dominant function’s inherent nature. Small spikes in feminine processing are natural but likely to cause psychological distress if not at terms with their identity

Stress pair – Ne MFF Fi FFM – Feminine lead and overall feminine. Likely to engage in feminine processing when stressed. May double down on feminine expression.


Lead pair – Te MMM Si FMF – Heavy masculine lead and overall masculine. Consistent masculine expression. Small rare spikes of feminine expression; these spikes are unlikely to betray the overall masculine expression.

Stress pair – Fi FFM Ne MFF – Feminine lead and overall feminine. Times of stress will usually result in uncharacteristic way of processing information that are likely to lead to behaviors not usually seen.


Lead pair – Fi FFM Ne MFF – Feminine lead and overall feminine. Preference for feminine expression. Likely to double down of feminine processing. Small masculine spikes in overall interaction but these are unlikely to betray the overall feminine preference.

Stress pair – Te MMM Si FMF – Heavy masculine lead and overall masculine. Times of distress will lead to uncharacteristic losses in feminine expression. Spikes and attempts to regain overall feminine expression are likely but are unlikely to betray overall masculine expression. Volatility likely.


Lead pair – Ne MFF Fi FFM – Feminine lead and overall feminine. Preference for feminine expression. Likely to double down on feminine processing. Small masculine spikes in overall interaction but these are unlikely to betray the overall feminine preference.

Stress pair – Si FMF Te MMM – Feminine lead but overall masculine with heavy masculine counterbalance. Likely to resort to masculine processing in times of great distress but will do their best to keep up a feminine persona.

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